More Spring Addendum

For those that didn’t care for the orange square in the last ensemble, I offer up two options here in alternate squares:

And the classic off white linen shown here:

If ya didnt like the tie then you can swap with a more lively one and stick with the linen square to otherweise tone the ensemble down.

Published in: on January 6, 2011 at 12:11 am  Comments (2)  
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Orange Saree’d Bridesmaids

I have been away doing this, which was written up here, but a few days back I received the following comment in the about me page:

First off, I just want to say I stumbled by your site by accident–well, kind of; I was trying to figure out which tie to get for my outfit–and I’m so glad I did. Your site absolutely rocks. Men need your help! Without you, we’d just pair blue with blue, red with red, etc. That is no way to live! :) Also, I was hoping you could steer me in the right direction regarding what I should wear to my wedding, which is two weeks from now. I have a very nice, black, three-button suit, as well as a ecru-colored shirt with a basic straight collar. The bridesmaids are wearing deep orange/rust-colored sarees similar to this one:

My groomsmen are in black, two-button suits with white shirts. I need to find ties and pocket squares for me and them. I’d like them to have ties and squares that match the bridesmaids in some way. As for me, I just want to (a) look good, (b) stand out from the groomsmen, and (c) not stick out in a bad way. :) Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I’d even take photos and upload them for you, giving you full credit for “dressing” me. Thanks so much, and I hope to hear from you! Keep up the great work.

Best, Adrian

Here are my thoughts (and I am slightly rushed here due to the Holidays).  After the holidays, i.e. Sunday, I hope to be back full swing!  See you then 🙂 For the Groomsmen with the white shirts I thought to go this way.  They can afford the colored squares, and the square gets toned down with the tie which is black and Orange in the warp and weft and gives the impression of a speckled orange.  The closeup tells a better story. (forget about suit style , 2 or three button.  Here we are concerned with color)

Shown here in the pocket and in play:

If you are looking for some more color then you can go this way:

For the groom, I chose a more simple yet very rich Orange twill weave shown here and with the off white linen square to match the ecru shirt chosen:

Of course I would be remiss if I were to not bring in one of my all time favorite ties, the raw silk stripe against the bronzy rust silk, shown here with the always elegant white linen square.

Lost Marbles

Sorry about yesterday, I was in the city all day shopping Burberry for our kids shop and although I had taken pics earlier that I intended to post, I was too tired last night to post them!.

Tonight though I am not that tired but I seem to be losing my marbles because the pictures that I took yesterday and while I had taken a third group I cannot seem to find the first two, so here is what I have for tonight and tomorrow I will post the remaining ties:

Again, these are included in those ties that will be going at 40% off

The Blue/Orange theme is one that has been discussed at length and here it is in action again:

Blue Shirt, Navy Blue Suit and Blue, Beige and Orange Tie, accessorized with the orange and cream floral square:

Shown in play here:

Con Te Partiro – Time To Say Good Bye!

No Sillies, not to me. I am having lots of fun here 🙂

But its time to say good bye to some of the older merchandise that I have in the store, like this series. (and the next few days of posts).

Before I put them on the clearance page I offer them to my readers at 40% off for hand made in Italy saddle stitch four and seven fold ties.

All shown here with a navy blue suit and light blue shirt with a blue and cream flowers square.


The blue and brown horizontal stripe

With the Square detail here:

Navy Tie:

Orange Tie:

And Burgundy:

And finally as I “borrowed” the name of the song for the title of the post, I would be remiss in not posting the you tube video of Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman:

Enjoy (I always do)!

A Nice Day for a Bronze Wedding (From the Mailbag)

Well, the song goes a nice day for a white wedding but still…

Here is a request from a phone call that on my say so became a written request.

On May 25, 2010 at 11:37 am Sachin Said:


I am attending a wedding this weekend and need to pair two suits to match with what my fiance has planned. For the actual wedding I have a dark charcoal suit to be matched to a pink, green/gold sari. The evening reception is a black suit to be matched to a black with bronze metallic highlighted sari.

What would go best with these combos? Please help!

This weekend, eh?  Nothing like the last minute I always say :-).

In the phone call there was no mention of the pink, green and gold sari so I didnt concentrate on it, choosing rather to concentrate on the Black with bronze.  Luckily I happened to have taken a shot in the bronze theme that will probably work perfectly, having a pale bronze, green AND pink.

For the square I used an orange one from the new collection for a little color but of course a nice white will do quite nicely, and of course as its a wedding a white shirt is in place.

The rest are for the Black Suit with bronze Dress.  Although the suit shown is charcoal, black will work here as well however offering greater contrast.  Incidentally, bronze is a hard color with multiple shades and I don’t really know what color bronze we are referring but regardless, these will probably work.

With the second recent request I will be dedicating a page for requests.

More and Less

Carrying forward yesterday’s results but in the reverse, here you have a brown tie against a yellow shirt that garners more attention than the orange against the blue pictured directly below due to the fact that the orange is a softer orange and the satin brown is strong. (yes, I know the jackets are different but the contrast is created mainly with the shirts with the sports coats complementing.)

Shown here with the multicolor square and the Petronius seven fold tie.

To Stare or Not to Stare

What I wanted here and the way the pics I took turned out didnt exactly meet on the same page  so I will just give you the pics that I took and we will illustrate again  just how different the same jacket and shirt can look when accessorized differently.

The orange tie and multicolor square brighten it up and make the statement of “Go ahead, try not to notice me” 😉

The Darker brown pindot tie and cream linen square say, “I look classically sharp yet understated, Go stare at the guy with the orange tie” 🙂

Which one is correct?  Depends on the mood!

Right Tie, Wrong Shirt

I have mentioned in the past but I cant say it enough that contrast is generally your friend. Colors of items can match yet if you group too many of the same color together invariably one or the other item will look wrong.

Here is an example of the colors being correct but the applications being wrong. Rust and orange, works with black and nicely so, yet the use of the rust tie here together with the rust colored check shirt will leave you wanting.

Better in the same pattern is the green shirt, which works well with the black jacket and the contrasting rust tie. The square has a little bit of everything in it so thats no problem.

You might feel that this square is too closely color related to the rust tie and I wont disagree, so to change that you have this square.

Finally, if you absolutely love that orange shirt, change the tie so that you gain your contrast in other ways as so:

Incidentaly, my first Orange Shirt writeup 🙂 at least the first tag created for an orange shirt that is. Kewl!