Queries of the Week – Volume 5

Here are some of this weeks search terms that brought readers to FTWU’s virtual door.

1) Can one wear a plaid shirt with a paisley tie? – Depending on the size of the plaid and the paisley it can work but care must be made not to have the shirt and tie compete with each other in how busy this can look.So the answer is , yes it can, but not always.  Too big a plaid should be reserved for casual and tie-less.  Smaller plaids are OK and paisley will work there.

2) What tie colors for an olive shirt? – Burgundy, Navy, Black, are a few of the classic colors that come to mind that will work against an olive shirt.  Suit colors will govern though which.

3) Brown suit with a grey shirt – This works as well and I like the combo.  As I have mentioned before, try and keep the grey in the shirt lighter rather than darker as too dark will always dress down any ensemble.

4) Purple stripe tie with blue check shirt? – The checks and the strips off the bat might compete with each other and the purple against the blue will add more negative oompf to it, and will probably take it over the top. Without a visual my initial response will be to avoid.

5) Burgundy ties green shirt – Depending on the green, this can look really sharp. We had a great deep Plummy/burgundy tie with dark olive green paisleys running through it that sold marvelously. Of course it was more for events than for regular business and I Imagine that the question is asked with that in mind.

6) How far out does a pocket square extend – My pictures on the blog are misleading, because I often pull the square out further than it should be and I do that to give an idea of what the square looks like and why I put it in the particular ensemble.  In reality it should just peak out of the pocket to break up the breast of the jacket. Perhaps a little more.  certainly not enough to take over the whole left breast and have the eye drawn to there and away from the Shirt/Tie which lines up with the persons face.

7) How far down should a tie go? – Nowadays the best place for the tie to end is either just at the tip of the belt or in the middle of the belt buckle. The Italians like to see it ending a little higher than that.

Have a great week all!

PS:  Cashmere sweaters now under 200 dollars  Cashmere scarves 20% off . Still time enough to get them to you before the Holidays!

Published in: on December 20, 2009 at 12:57 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. […] no regrets not ordering it for the men as I felt it was too busy.  I did mention this before in a Q&A post when the question of Burgundy with Olive came up.  Here though I would recommend switching the […]

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