Tie By Tie # 2

In the same medium chevron weave that we did in the first Tie by Tie we did 5 colors.  Earlier we worked up red and white and the blue and pink.  Now we have a Blue and white (the second of the original colors) and a blue/grey and muted yellow.

I put the blue/grey/yellow with a blue shirt and a red floral on navy square against a navy suit.  I thought appropriate a shirt that was a non textured one due to the fact that the tie gives off a heavy texture.  Here is what it looked like:

Flipping that same square over so that the green shows  you get this, and while I don’t condone wearing your square this far out of the pocket I wanted to give an idea of coloring.

Here is the square in all its glory:

And in this shot you get a yellow patterned honey jar square to brighten up the jacket a bit.  The detail of the square is below.

With the blue and white, I reversed my logic above and went textured.  While not that practical for a business setting I thought it sharp for a social one.  Shown here with the honey jar patterned square and blue and burgundy textured shirt. Unfortunately this was one of the times that my camera zoomed in and got every detail of the textured shirt and every line of the chevron weave making it look like overkill.  In regular lighting and focus it came across as dapper.

And here is the square detail:

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Excellent,the essemble are alive.Appreciate if you could post other essembles against different jacket colors and patterned suit jackets as well as odd jackets in patterned of Gunclub,PoW checks.



  2. Murtadza:

    Thanks for commenting and complimenting. I will work these ties up tomorrow on patterned jackets, but in general there are many patterned jackets shown on the blog, just view some of the older posts.

    Thanks again and feel free to comment at any time!

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