Tie By Tie # 1

Lead off is a series of ties that were really popular in the first run I had ever done, the wide chevron weave.  Of course, as we went along I made significant changes in the construction that would overall increase the value of the ties, to wit, wool interlinings, self tipping, and bar tack closures.  In the maiden run there were only two colors done but as we went along the reorder increased to 5 different colors.

Here I show the Navy and Pink Weave with a light blue textured shirt and a navy suit.  The square is a small floral print in Navy.

If you have been following you will know that I am a fan of Blues with Pinks, and while the tie is nice enough in its own right being blue and pink, I think that the pink shirt adds some flavor to the ensemble as well.

Here is what the square looks like out of the pocket.

The red and white version (which was one of the two colors of the first run) is vibrant enough to wake up even a white shirt as I show it below.

Of course, red white and Light Blue shirt is nice as well.

For a little more vibrancy in the pocket square I brought this rainbow square in, but wanted to be careful that it shouldn’t be positioned so that it looks too matched with the tie, something that in general one should avoid.  As the reds are not a proper match, the risk is less but still…

Which looks like this tucked in.

Of interesting and humorous note, when I first showed these ties (the red) to a couple of people, I got comments like “Cat in the Hat?” but they sold right out!

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  1. […] By Tie # 2 In the same medium chevron weave that we did in the first Tie by Tie we did 5 colors.  Earlier we worked up red and white and the blue and pink.  Now we have a Blue […]

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